Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2020 0:58:10 GMT
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zac ramsay

Pesky Pescetarians
Petalburg City | Mission - Open

"-and now they've taken Boatswain too!" wept the gardener. "He was my favorite. The way he used to circle his pond, with all the grace and anger of a coralled Milotic."

"Well I'm here to do everything I can, Mr. Potts." said Zac, surveying the pond where a few dozen identical Magikarp swam lazily, occasionally bumping into the walls or each other.

"So when did you notice it missing?"

"I noticed HE was missing when I came down to the pond at the crack of dawn. I'd been up all night planning Boatford's retirement party and-"
"Boatford?" Zac asked, and the gardener pointed to one of the fish. Probably the one that was sucking the moss off of a rock, it was hard to tell. "He's just two days from retirement."

"Well it sounds like Boatswain was attacked at night-"
"Kidnapped!" Interupted Mr. Potts. "We'll get him back!" 
"We'll certainly try. I came prepare for a stakeout. and I'll stay up all night if I have to. "

"Oh you won't be alone." Said Mr Potts. "I couldn't gamble on little Boatford's safety so I hired as many of you Ranger types as I could afford!"

Zac heard footsteps approaching down the garden path. 


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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2020 2:39:44 GMT
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[attr="class","ren"]I'M A SPEED KING, YOU GOTTA HEAR ME SING

THUD. . .

THUD. . .

THUD. . !

Slow, thunderous, footfalls a true titan's, rumbles so the garden path. They bear no malice, mind you, no beast come to finish their sullen work and swallow the pond whole. And were that one particularly acute, they might notice too a jangling chain, a pair of heavy boots leading the charge across the cobblestones with a sharp clack after each step.

All at once, they were there.

A broad shouldered, yet arguably sinewy, man wrapped in tight leathers from jacket to pants, from which both hands of were burrowed in either pocket. Whether it was the copious amount of product in his messy pompadour or the distinct air of those unfiltered smokes of his -- you could smell the pair coming. "Yo." He calls out with a hoarse casualty, still sucking on the half-burnt stub.

As if to set the backdrop for this greaser, this thug, deep-gray, the supepower pokemon stood abaft, arms crossed and deep crimson orbs set upon the similarly stout figure that was Zac Ramsay. A glint therein bespoke of some immediate appraisal. The Machoke, 'HOGAN', did not budge for even a moment, as Salvatore leapt into stark negotiation, he'd grown well and truly accustomed to their relationship in that regard. How many shady dealings could have gone south were it not for that sculpted physique looming overhead. . ?

"You Mister Potts, I presume?"
Sal finally takes the cigarette from his mouth for a drag, looking dead-on the unwavering gardener, "Salvatore Alfonso Moretti. . ." He introduces himself matter-of-factly, "And Hogan, at yer service. So. . . Who the hell's this guy?" He adds without a dip in tone, the most dismissive gesture sent off toward the first 'ranger-type' to arrive.
GALE - 292 WORDS -

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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2020 3:10:35 GMT
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The party simply continued to grow. Granted, Novak was not officially invited, but he had heard that there was some cunning Pokemon here that was snatching up fish from a local Magikarp pond. Normally, this would mean jack shit. However, this one seemed intelligent, outwitting the gardener and dodging baited traps with ease, and that had caught Novak's attention, along with this man's frantic plea for as many rangers as he could bring in, so he figured there was no reason not to slide in himself.

As Novak approached the given location, he realized that there were already two others there, one of whom he could smell from probably a mile away, with the stench of cigarette smoke shrouding him. There was another man there, too, who made a lot more tolerable of a first impression, and another person who was presumably the gardener who had called in for help, judging by his distressed expression.

The smoker made some vague comment, and Novak bristled. He wasn't sure if it was directed at him or the other guy, but it rubbed him the wrong way regardless, and he took the opportunity to reply. "Novak Hadfield, at your service," he replied shortly, using his alias for now. He looked at the smoker's Machoke and, possessed of a sudden desire to one-up the abrasive man, selected Sequoia's Pokeball from his belt, releasing the Machamp with a flash of light.

He didn't smirk, but he really wanted to.

"What's the plan so far, then?"

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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 2:44:18 GMT
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When Hit had heard about a mission where a man's Pokemon... No, where his friends were being kidnapped, Hit couldn't stop the burning anger that had formed within his stomach. Although he had only come into town so that he could get some supplies for himself and his Pokemon, there was no way he could ignore Mr. Potts wanted poster for help! If someone had kidnapped his Pokemon, there was nothing that he wouldn't do until he found out who was responsible and made them pay! Of course, it took the man no time before he had found Mr. Potts and the pond but, the truth of it was that he had actually shown up before everyone else had! Where was he at? Well....

As the other three men had arrived at the scene, there would suddenly be sudden movement in the pond before in the water that was much too large to actually be a Magikarp. It didn't take more than a few seconds before the figure could be made out to be a person, who would break the surface of the water to reveal a ruggedly handsome man with long brown hair that was nearly black while wet and stuck to the sides of his face and back. Hit had been checking out the pond from within, this being apparent by the pair of goggles that he wore on his face as he came out of the water. When he had originally gone underneath, only Mr. Potts had been here, so seeing that there were three other men around caused him to blink a few times behind the goggles.

With ease would he move towards the edge of the pond near everyone else, slowly climbing out of the water to reveal the rest of his body. Hit stood at six feet and seven inches tall, large and burly with scars scattered along the length of his whole body from his years of training. The only thing that the man wore was a swinging thong, that was clearly handmade from some type of pokemon skin, tanned out and made to fit him perfectly. In his right hand was a spear, no Pokemon of his own in sight,
"Mr. Potts, I can confirm that it is not a person who is tripping your tracks. I've found a few lose scales near your avoided traps." Hit didn't take any time addressing the others in that moment except giving them all a nod of his head of acknowledgment.

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2020 9:53:36 GMT
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zac ramsay

Pesky Pescetarians
Petalburg City | Mission - Open

As a pair of strong, handsome men arrived one after the other, Zac started to wonder whether Mr. Potts hadn't been a little selective in his call for assistance. He did ask for my mesaurements on the phone. Zac remembered.

"Salvatore Alfonso Moretti...Who the hell's this guy?"
Said the first man. He was all leather and slicked hair, and had brought a Machoke with him, a rough, tough, 4'11" muscular bodyguard. 

The second man was altogether more suave. "Novak Hadfield, at your service."
But any goodwill he may have earned from Zac was instantly dispersed when he sent out a Machamp in an obvious bid to one-up Salvatore. Machamp was not only the evolution, but had a two arms and 1" advantage over Machoke. 

Zac rolled his eyes. A measuring contest? Really guys? He wanted to say. Honestly. these two were just being childish, and he would have no part in it. Casually he sent out Onix, encircling the growing group and the half of the pond in 28'10" of rock hard indifference. He wasn't sure about the snake's exact length, he hadn't bothered to measure.

"Nice to meet you two!" He said, offering a massive paw to the others by way of a greeting. "I'm sure we're all going to get along swimmingly. Haha, just a little pond humor.
Anyway, I'm not sure if you guys have any plan already but I-"

There was a sound of something emerging from the pond, and Zac spun, expecting to see the Marikarp munching monster rising from the waters. Instead, it was another beefy boi, looking for all the world like he was casually returning from a swim in the local pool. 

"Mr. Potts, I can confirm that it is not a person who is tripping your tracks. I've found a few lose scales near your avoided traps."

Said the dripping newcomer, who remained in the pond. 

Zac was too baffled to respond. What the hell is going on in this town?
Is Petalburg always like this? 

"Oh I know it isn't a person." Said Mr. Potts, his voice low and grave, "No man could live with himself after hurting a Magikarp, that I know for certain. " There was a note of truth to the old man's words, and he spoke with such unwavering conviction that Zac believed him immediately. 
Makes sense. He thought, nodding along.

"In fact, there is only one thing that could perpetrate such an atrocity upon Arceus' most flawless creation." His voice grew lower still, and Zac moved in, suddenly feeling like the gardener was passing on some cursed, arcane knowledge to the assembled himbos. 

"A beast of dark eyes and darker heart, that'll bite your face off as soon as look at you.
A monster of shadow and malice that preys on the purest among us, sucking the very light from the world."

"Some call it the Pond Reaper, or the Scourge of Petalburg, but those who have felt it's fell presence in their garden know it by it's true name...

The Chupakarpbra."


TAG: @unraveller @william60
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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2020 1:21:01 GMT
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[attr="class","ren"]I'M A SPEED KING, YOU GOTTA HEAR ME SING

As if on queue for Salvatore's arrival, as if he were some herald of all deadbeats, lowbrows, and straight up losers, a couple more came out of the woodwork right after him. First, silently behind the thug, a presence, one that could not be smelled lile his own, but rather felt. Pure aggravation radiated on his back, and all hairs stood to attention; by the time that suave voice introduced itself --

"Novak Hadfield, at your service."

Coupled with that pretty boy face for which Sal could only gaze at from the corner of his beady eye, one thing was decided without the slightest doubt. . . Salvatore despised him. If that weren't enough. . . The light of Novak's pokeball illuminated the pond, blinding the punk even in brief. Sal shielded his sunken eyes only to bear witness to yet another goliath of muscle standing tall above Hogan, with all forms crossed in a similar pose, oozing 'I'm you, but stronger.' energy. The thug sneered, "You bitin Hogan's style--" But he had no time to make remarks, the broad red-head sent out his partner next with a tremendous cataclysm. The great serpent of stone merely coiled about, sending its superior gaze down upon them. 

The second weirdo then emerged from the murk. To this. . . Sal had no words, nor thoughts. Rather his refocoused upon the seemingly satisfied Mister Potts. "Yeah, yeah, I get it, we all got small dicks. But hold on just a fuckin' minute here." Wheezes the man, taking another long drag and his half-burnt stub, without even bothering to address the tale his employer was beginning to weave. "I count. . . Three, four. . . Five  already. Just how much exactly're we splittin' this damn reward?"

Those eyes of his set themselves upon the group in its entirety, some deep-rooted gravitas to the question despite his words. The Machoke beside him remained still, though the deep red glow of his own orbs couldn't help but size-up each of the new arrivals, and no-doubt with special attention to its senior.

Sal's fists returned to the pockets in his leather jacket, hising away while he tilted that pompadoured head, "We don't work fer nothin'. . . " He states.
375 WORDS - @william60

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Novak Manchester
Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2020 17:35:23 GMT
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It seemed that Novak's release of Sequoia was having... well, exactly the effect that he'd hoped it would have. Salvatore snapped an insult, and Zac released a huge Onix. And now he felt kind of childish. He wasn't here to attract attention, for goodness's sake. He'd try to salvage some goodwill, at least.

"Hey, no offense intended," he said, raising his hands. "I saw that you had brought your Machoke, and I figured that if a Machoke would be helpful on the job, then Sequoia here would be, as well." Behind him, Sequoia cracked his knuckles, twenty sharp pops sounding clearly through the area, and Novak winced. That certainly wouldn't help him send the right message. 

However, his attention was then caught by the guy who had burst into the area. His attention was first caught by the spear. What was this, the age of cavemen? Did he think it would make him look cool, or something?

And then Novak noticed the guy's clothing. Or, more accurately, his lack of clothing. Who was this wild man? Did nobody stop him from running around half-naked?

Novak couldn't really say that he minded, though, as he took in his long, wet hair and muscular body. 

He was startled when the gardener, who he'd sort of tuned out for the moment, brought up a "chupakarpbra," and he almost laughed. 

"Sir, I understand that you may be upset about your Magikarp," said Novak as kindly as he could, "But I somehow really doubt that this is anything more than a common predator, looking to get its paws on some fish meat." A "common predator" that had evaded traps flawlessly, but he didn't add that. No need to stress out the poor gardener. "Whether it's natural or not, though, we'll be sure to do our best."

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POSTED ON Nov 27, 2020 5:15:10 GMT
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Hit was not blind to the eyes of the others on him and their mixed opinions on what he looked like; he saw how a few took a moment to appreciate his form but overall the consensus was that he was some type of oddity. While Hit didn't really care about that, as his eyes scanned the area he did see something that caused him to be a bit disgusted with everyone. When he had come out the water, it was obvious to see two of the men preparing to compete with one another over their... Pokemon?

As a man summoned out his four-armed companion, then another man pulled out a large Onix, Hit's brows furrowed together, "Disrespectful." Was his response to all of them and their shameful display of their Pokemon. To think these men would just flaunt them around like trophies or things to be measured... The sound of wood creaking could be heard faintly as Hit thought about it, squeezing the spear in his hand in anger before taking a few breaths and calming himself. This was the world that he lived in, if he let each situation cause him to explode then he'd never get around to making things better.

So, as Mister Potts took a survey of the specimens in front of him and spoke of a legendary and creepy monster that could be lurking, Hit simply nodded his head. He knew of Legendary Pokemon, though he couldn't think as to why a dark creature would want to take up refuge in such a small pond. Hit was the only person in the group without a Pokemon currently but he seemed more than unphased, "It seems to me the most obvious answer is to set a trap and watch it through the night. We could try to track it but doing so through water, and making sure we are following the right one, seems impossible and a waste of efforts."
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POSTED ON Nov 28, 2020 9:25:24 GMT
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has attacked!





male - tough claws[break]
ancient power / stone edge / hyper beam[break]crunch / giga impact / iron head

THE RECENT EXCAVATIONS IN HOENN have disturbed minerals that have harnessed the energy for mega evolution. furthermore, fossils have been excavated and revived. those who have been greedy enough to resurrect the prehistoric creatures within the caves they have rested in occasionally find themselves in over their heads.[break][break]

this aerodactyl, in pain and aggressive from its forced mega evolution, swoops in in search for more prey from the pond.[break][break]


[break] @william60
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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2020 13:11:28 GMT
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Fish are friends not food
Petalburg City | Mission


"Now don't worry about payment." Mr. Potts said, handwaving Salvatore's concerns and giving the slick man a wink. "You'll all be handsomely rewarded if you can catch the Chupakarpbra." 

"So no need to worry." Zac agreed. He clapped his hands and rubbed them together in anticipation. "So lets get to work then. I already have some idea on how we're gonna get this slippery devil."
He pointed to Hit. "We already know that a grown man can hide in the water, so an ambush is on the table. I also have pokemon that are perfect for a surprise attack on our fish-filching friend."

"What do you guys think? Do you have any experience with trappin-"
Before Zac could finish the question, a grey shape the size of a passenger jet swooped down into the garden, plucking Zac's Onix off the stones and carrying all 28' of rock up into the sky.

"Kev no!" Zac shouted, scrabbling for his pokeball to return the quickly disappearing pokemon. The monstrous Kev-napper wheeled above them, and Zac's beams of red light missed Onix, failing to pull him back to safety.

The afternoon air was split by screech like rending metal, the sound rising in pitch and volume as the Mega Aerodactyl swooped for another pass at the group.

Acting on instinct, Zac launched himself into the pond just as the prehistoric predator assaulted the area with a HYPER BEAM, gouging a deep trench through the center of the garden and scattering the would-be trappers. 

NOTES: On a Magikarpet ride~

TAG: @unraveller @william60

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2020 0:51:24 GMT
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[attr="class","ren"]I'M A SPEED KING, YOU GOTTA HEAR ME SING

Shit. . .

He thought.

"FUCK. . !"

He bellowed.

An arm of his stricken out to the ominous skies. For what light they bore blotted out in a single moment, replaced by the looming dark. The wingspan of the beast stunned each they all, for in the next moments, the massive serpent of stone was no more than a mealworm to the ancient predator. Salvatore didn't have so much as a second to register, none of 'em did, lucky for the rest of the group this meant that the greaser didn't spew out another few snide remarks, course the alternative was the crackle of pure destructive energy. . . Pick your poison.

The hairs on his neck stood to attention as a certain static grew in the otherwise serene garden air. The jetstream of the Mega Aerodactly was like no other, in another fragment of time, the thug could admire it, yet in this one he could barely hold his footing. The creature dove and dove, in its maw agape, power coaelesced into light, the sheer force of it all pushing even the sturdy Machoke, and nigh perhaps even Machamp, back in slight.

"I can take it." He mutters to himself, the luminate orb in the thing above's mouth growing. "Yeah, yeah. . . No problem, I can take it." Then a bolt stricken off the attack decimates a topiary, and bleeds the ears. It is this moment that Salvatore turns to his side and dashes, without thinking toward the first person he sees. Hit's his victim, the pompadoured punk doesn't even consider it, he leaps for the wild-man to send them both barreling into the deep crystal water.

Had he been a thinking man, he might've dove for Potts to save their paycheck. Luckily his straight man, Hogan, was more than capable of knowing where their next meal was to come from. The gray skinned athlete bounded too for the gardener who seemed to bear no fear, yammering away. With a skid, the Machoke stopped just in front of the man, crossing both arms and allowing its rippling physique to harden. Bulking Up as the monster unleashed its mighty Hyper Beam.
364 WORDS - @william60

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Novak Manchester
Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 23:15:33 GMT
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It was only a moment of inane discussion of rewards before the thief decided to reveal itself.

On the plus side, that was good. Novak's time wouldn't be wasted staking out an elusive hunter and waiting.

On the minus side, it was a Mega Aerodactyl that had just carried off Zac's fucking Onix.

There was a clamor of exclamations and chaos as the beast made its dramatic entrance, and Novak took the opportunity to immediately grab another Pokeball. Sequoia was a fearsome opponent, but he would certainly appreciate more help, considering the difficulty he'd have reaching a flying opponent.

Foxglove, however, would have no such problems. The Haunter materialized in a burst of shadow, cackling as he exited the Pokeball.

"Foxglove, help out that Onix, please," said Novak. He was startled at the appearance of the predator, but it always paid to be respectful. Especially when there was essentially a wild man who considered bringing Pokemon to fight other Pokemon "disrespect." What the hell? He'd literally provided an explanation himself! Granted, it wasn't the whole story, but...

Foxglove hissed, floating up with startling speed until he was right in front of the Aerodactyl, flying right through the Hyper Beam untouched. Lower on the ground, Sequoia shielded Novak and the other trappers with his Wide Guard, covering as much area as possible.

Foxglove glowed pink with Hypnotic energy, trying to lull the Aerodactyl to sleep. Falling asleep mid-flight certainly couldn't be good for any Pokemon...

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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 23:41:36 GMT
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Hit was doing his best to politely ignore the others as he waited to hear more of what Mr. Potts had started to say, of course, that was until there was a noise that filled the air and a shadow that covered part of the area. As the Onix was ripped off its feet and into the air, Hit would have already begun to start moving into a defensive stance, hoisting the spear up and near his shoulder. As the Onix was almost summoned back into its ball, Hit grunted as the ball failed and fell to the ground, and was getting ready to try and aim his weapon at the beast. Though, as it began to charge its laser and whip its head back around towards them, the large man was stubborn and didn't turn to run even as death looked him in the eyes! But, before he could get blasted to bits by the attack, there was something that would crash against his body and take him plunging into the cold waters he had just emerged from.

Hit barely had time to register that it had been Salvatore that had tackled him into the water, the man having adjusted his spear and nearly plunged it into his teammate. As they went into the waters and avoided death, Hit would have pushed Sal off of him before pushing up towards the top of the water and letting out a grunt. He wasn't upset with the man but he had to keep moving and not let a single moment pass him. It wasn't every day that someone got a chance to hunt such a rare and majestic beast, "We have to try and calm it down! WE CANNOT KILL IT!" Hit's voice roared out to his comrades. This beast was rare, if not basically extinct, and the idea of losing something like that upset Hit.

The man watched as the Haunter came out and tried to lull the thing to sleep, Hit would have jumped out the water and landed on the ground in a crouch, his spear still in hand. He would cock his arm back with great speed before taking off in a run and then tossing the spear with as much might as he could muster. The spear would tear through the air with a similar sound to a bullet, a blur as it left his hand after being thrown like a professional javelin tosser. The weapon aimed for the beast's right wing in an attempt to pierce through it and bring it down. As Hit threw the weapon, he released a noise that sounded like it could've come from a Pokemon, a mix between a scream and growl.
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The Robust
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See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay
Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Dec 4, 2020 11:15:14 GMT
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Fish are friends not food
Petalburg City | Mission


Zac emerged from the water to a world of chaos.

The garden had been shattered, and his group of hunters scattered, mostly into the pond, though Salvatore had had the presence of mind to save Mr. Potts as well as himself. The pair were sheltered at the edge of the garden, behind a statue of some Kanto's Elite Four Bruno. An odd choice, considering we're in Hoenn. Zac thought. 

As for Salvatore himself, he and the wildman had jumped into the pond with Zac, and the three rose from the carpy waters together, soaked and covered in pond weed.

Hit raised his spear and, with outstanding athleticism, hurled it at the prehistoric peril, who still had Onix clutched in its claws but was now snapping away at Novak's Hunter, which was trying to Hypnotise it. 

The spear shot straight through the wing of the massive creature, punching a fluttering hole in the membrane. Mega Aerodactyl screeched, and Zac saw the opportunity to go on the offensive.

"Onix! Use SMACK DOWN!"

The rock snake contorted, throwing its body around wildly and smacking into the Aerodactyl's punctured wing with a CRUNCH. The monster let out a piercing cry that shook the air, and Onix wrapped itself around the body of the beast, pinning its broken wing to its side.

The Chupakarpbra, a prehistoric predator the size of a jet, plummeted straight for the edge of the garden, on a collision course with the muscular statue, Salvatore's heroic Machoke, and the bewildered Mr. Potts.

NOTES: Somebody save that statue!

TAG: @unraveller @william60

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Fish are Friends! Not Food! [o/m]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2020 22:32:40 GMT
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[attr="class","ren"]I'M A SPEED KING, YOU GOTTA HEAR ME SING

Slowly, slowly, strength did sap. A beast among worlds gazed into the spirit's wicked eyes, its own furious orbs seethed with unfound rage, utter primeval fury of bygone days. Still yet did the creature drink of Foxglove's illusions, peaceful thoughts and vibes of olde grandeur flitted through it's stone skull, and its wide glaring eyes did grow burdensome still.

Even beyond the rending of its great wing, and the wrapping serpent clutching its body, the Chupakabra felt nothing as it drifted, plummeting, meteoric in form. Know this yet. . . This was nary the end.

Amidst it all, Salvatore shot up, a torpedo from the muck of the pond's bed, flanked on either side by his burly companions. Sopping from his now drooping pompadour to his leather boots. It was then, those wild beaded eyes of the lanky thug snapped to, affixed upon the missile of rock, teeth, and wing, he grit those teeth.

"Uuuurrrraaaaaaghhh. . !"

Bellows so with a mighty roar, the Machoke stood planting either foot into the ground with a light quake, unmoving, a monolith beside the gardener and the similarly buff statue. Hogan's muscles, each and every one of them tense with utter power, rippling through his veins, boiling his blood. The Superpower Pokemon commits to his stance with an unshakable pride in its muscles, Machoke uses BULK UP. With both arms outstretched, Mister Potts shrunk beside him, yet even then, the leathered thug bore uncertainty tingling down that spine. This uncertainty however, drove him to act.

To save their paycheck.

That's what Hogan and Sal might tell you were you to ask what incited their resolve that day. In truth, the man bore no such thoughts, for his partner, to meet the challenge, to save a life. . .

Sal splashed with but two or three long strides, dashing with all haste for the moment to come. A dive bomb with a cacophonous shock, the stone beast came with ear shattering force, in this moment, Salvatore Alfonso Moretti pushed the full weight of his own strength against Hogan's back. Against those callused and worn grey palms, the Aerodactyl's body wrought havoc as life again grew in those hypnotized eyes of it. The grass, the dirt, the cobblestone tore up as Hogan and Sal dug deep into their spirits, blown back with a grind yet still holding on with each ounce of power.


In unison they cried.

Salvatore used ENDURE

He could feel the creak of his bones and the buckling of his joints, he could feel the burn of the ground beneath them, and the anger of the beast bearing down upon them, enwrapped so by the Onix. Yet again with a sudden roar, the dive came to a grand halt, and not a moment passed before Hogan, with the force of all his experience tore the muscles in those trunk-like arms upward, Sal supporting him from behind. . .


With a heave, and vibrant hearts, MEGA AERODACTYL is SUPLEXED into the earth. . !

292 WORDS - @william60

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